Has it been a year already? It’s seems like only yesterday that I was spouting drunken profanity laced objections at complete strangers as well as close friends at last year’s Growler. The tournament’s fame has been growing. I know this because the other day at a local brew pub I overheard someone ask why they named the half gallon refillable glass jugs after a volleyball tournament.
As with all great events they do not happen without the tireless efforts of a few. In the case of The Growler it is Mark Williams and Rob Rauth and a few others with names that are not as easy to spell or remember. Without their hard work there is a 37% chance that many of you would be sober on any given Tuesday night in August and have to cook your own dinners. What has been created here is not just a tournament but an event that just the thought of has helped many get thru the freezing 70 degree days of December and January.
But Mark can’t do it all! Obviously he can’t reach anything on the higher shelves so he needs your help. Please volunteer. If only to help set up, spread sand, collect donations or clean up it’s not fair that we ask a few to do all the work. Your help is needed and appreciated! (Except for Carol Dunn’s help which involves an awful lot of talking. She’s like a Time Vampire)
Thank you in advance and I look forward to witnessing the athleticism and sarcasm that is The Growler.
Rob Caulfield
The Growler
-Building a better community thru volleyball and beer.