Spectacular opening night. Great night for volleyball…..except for the 4PM monsoon we had dumping a foot of rain within 20 minutes just after we had everything set up. I want to thank all the volunteers that helped me all afternoon and for pitching in with a second effort to clean up and re-set up after the rain. It was an incredible transformation to get several inches of water off our our basketball courts, vball courts and beer garden.
I know it was a challenge to play in the wet conditions but everyone had the Growler spirit which I so appreciate. Also shout outs to PF Changs, Lynnwood Grill, the Hummers, i2 Installation Included, Kona Brewing and our bartenders from PF Changs, Leesville Tap Room, and Sharky’s Place who donated their time and resources for our event. Also special thanks to the folks that helped out at admissions, registration, clean up and other areas during the night.
St Baldrick’s- We raised over $3000 in admissions and t shirts sales and close to $1000 in mulligans. We are currently over $8300 on our St Baldrick’s site. I’m so proud of everyone for your efforts here. I’ve heard some really creative ways that individuals are soliciting donations.. Great Job.
Scores and Standings- Check the website to get Wed night’s results
Scores were very close and we had some very competitive games.. Thanks for your patients since games were running behind schedule. Don’t take to standing too serious. It’s just one night and lots can change the next 2 weeks.
Mark Williams