Congrat’s Springdale’s Volleywood- 2015 Growler Champions!

Congrat’s Springdale’s Volleywood- 2015 Growler Champions!


They beat Lake Park’s Air Vectors in the Semi- finals, then barely got past Springdale’s newest team, $et for Life, in the final matchup that went 23-21.  InGrowler tradition, the championship winners each win a Growler filled with their favorite Lynnwood Brewing Concern beer.
$et for Life, “The next generation young studs of Springdale”,  had a tough road to bet the past two year’s Growler Champions Seven Oak’s Kiss My Ace and N. Raleigh’s Six Pack Attack, only to be matched up against the now 3 time Growler Champion Volleywood in the finals.
St Baldricks– It was a big night with over $6,500 brought in through admissions, SB donations and raffle.  Let’s keep the momentum going.  We are currently over $38 K on the SB site.  Our projected Profits should produce a check for at least $10 K to St Baldrick’s, so we will far exceed $50,000 this year.   Thank you for to everyone that contributed this year.
GROWLeadERship Team-  These guys have been a tremendous relief for me this year.   A Big thanks to everyone on this page >>  If you would like to take on a larger role next year, please email me.  We still need more people that will take ownership in managing parts of the Growler.  We could use twice as many as we have now.
I also want to thank all our Volunteers, especially those that were out every Growler to help before, during and after the events.
Please share your Growler Photos on Facebook  Thank you Stew and Erin for sharing some great memories.
Mark Williams