17th Annual Growler Beach Volleyball Tournament / Tuesdays July 30th- Aug 20th 2024

We’ve done it again…  OVER $215,000 in Donations for Children’s Cancer Research!
Exceeding last year by over $7,000

#1 SB event in North Carolina
#2 SB event in the Southeast
#9 SB event in the entire country!

Congratulations SARC Volleywood!!
2024 Growler Champions

Download>> 2024 Growler Schedule-Championship Final Results

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St. Baldrick's Foundation | Conquer Childhood Cancers

ONE MILLION!!     ….and Counting

We have NOW exceeded the ONE MILLION mark in Total Donations to St Baldricks.  

bump. set. grow. | Growler Annual Beach Volleyball Tournament
This is why we GROWL!

Meet Zeke, our 2024 Spirit of the Growler kid.





100% of Admission Fees go to St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

SARC Admissions

$10 – Entrance & Water (Red)
$15 – Entrance & Food/Water (Yellow)
$20 – Entrance, Food/Water & Beer/Wine (Green)
ID Required – No Coolers Allowed

Bracelet required for Food, Beverages, and Water
We accept Cash, Checks, or Credit Cards


2024- Growler Gear.   We’ve brought back a crowd favorite design, mixed with an earlier design Side placement, and given it a 3D effect.  This may be our best shirt ever.  Go to https://growlervolleyball.com/growler-gear/ to see available gear this year.


Hosted by:Growler Beach Volleyball Host: Springdale Area Recreation Club logo

Springdale Area Recreation Club
9001 Leesville Rd, Raleigh NC



FOOD LION Shopping Center Overflow PARKING.Please only park in the approved designated spots marked in YELLOW below.  Do not park behind Food Lion as they are using that area for construction parking.  A parking attendant will be on duty Tuesday night to monitor parking.   PARKING ANYWHERE ELSE IN THEIR LOT WILL BE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

We encourage you to CARPOOL or Uber to Springdale. Please get with your team members and neighbors to share a ride.


Congrats to SARC’s “Set-sy and We Know It” for winning the 2024 GrowlHer title! It was a lot of fun had by all.  Check the GrowlHer webpage for updates and pictures.

Congrats Seven Oaks Strokes- Winners of the 2024 Growler Masters


2023 Highlights


Congrats North Raleigh Legends-  2023 Growler Champs

Finalist- Crabtree’s Spikeological Warfare

Championship Night TV Coverage



Championship Night Highlight Reel


2023 Donations      $207,835

We’ve Exceeded all our Milestone Goals for 2023
Exceeded One Million all time donations- @$113,780
Exceeded the #1 event in NC-  @$158,010
Exceeded our Last Year total- @$176,215
Exceeded the #10 Event in the US-  $184,570
Exceeded $200K –  Donations in a single year!

  2023 St. Baldrick’s Foundation Donation Site

Please watch and share the video below to help support your fundraising efforts.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGbRCi-XO4w&t=5s  .

bump. set. grow. | Growler Annual Beach Volleyball Tournament

This is why we GROWL!

Meet our 2023 Spirit of the Growler Kid-  Sara Beth B.



Sara Beth was diagnosed at 4 months old. She has a low-grade glioma located on her hypothalamus. We first realized something was going on when  more….








We are making an IMPACT!   Please watch this St Baldrick’s interview with Scot Carboni about Growler’s Impact to cure children’s cancer.






2023 Junior Growler

Team Here for Beer raises over $1600 in this year’s Junior Growler
Congrats Teen Champs

2023 GrowlHer

2nd Annual GrowlHer raises almost $3,000 for St Baldrick’s Foundation.

Congrats Pleadies- 2023 GrowlHer Champs



2023 Senior Growler

Greystone raises over $3,000 for St. Baldricks

Congrats Harrington Grove!   Back to Back Champs


2023 Schedule

OPENING NIGHT –  This Tuesday Aug. 1st.  (games start at 5:30)
Featured Restaurants-  Lynnwood Grill, Sharky’s, Jersey Mikes, Marcos Pizza, Wicked Links
Featured Drink- Oscar Blues, Foothills, Highland, HI Wire, Miller Lite, White Claw, dailypint brews, and Wine
Entertainment- DJ Brent

WEEK 2 Tuesday Aug. 8th  (Springdale, Greystone, and Lake Park)
Featured Restaurants- Baby Moon, Thrive, Angus Barn, Manchester’s, Dominoes, Jersey Mikes
Featured Drink- Raleigh Brewing, Gizmo, Deep River, White Claw
Entertainment– Dawson Wright (Springdale)

WEEK 3 Tuesday Aug. 15th  (Springdale, Greystone, and Lake Park)
Featured Restaurants- Leesville Tap Room, V-Pizza, Carolina Ale House, Manchesters, Dominoes, Jersey Mikes
Featured Drink- Founders, White Street, Lonerider, White Claw
Entertainment– The Allison Hatfield Band (Springdale)

CHAMPIONSHIP  Tuesday Aug. 22nd  (Springdale Games start at 5:30)
“Rock the Bald” Head Shaving      Sign Up>>> Shave Schedule
NEW SHAVE STAGE-  Player Pavilion Center Stage overlooking the Growler Grounds
Featured Restaurants- Lynnwood, Sharky’s, Gonza, Marcos, Wicked Links, Jersy Mikes
Featured Drink- LBC, White Claw, Daily Pint
Entertainment– DJ Brent



Our Million Dollar Year honoring our Growler Kids.


2023 Growler Gear available for sale


Growler Beach Volleyball Tournament 2018 head shaving event for St. Baldricks

 Please read Melissa’s message on how much to give:










NEWS Worthy Clips


2022 WRAL Coverage of “Rock the Bald” 



Brooke Bryand and Lindsay Rynearson | Growler Beach Volleyball Tournament

2018-   Brooke Bryand, Lindsay Rynearson, and their mother Raised more than $25,000 for St Baldrick’s in 2018.
Check out the WRAL segment on their story.






DRONE Footage from NIGHT ONE 2021

Special Appreciation to Ryan Ball  BallisticPhotography.com


2014 Growler Beach Volleyball Tournament Championship Night Video- “Feelin’ It”


 Video Drone footage from 2018 Opening night-  Due to storms and unusual airport traffic, this was done early in the evening.   This was filmed of the first games and only represents less than half the crowd that attended.  Special Thanks and in Memory of Michael Stanley who provided this video.

Please share your Growler Photos on Facebook

GROWLeadERship Team-  If you would like to be more involved with Growler, please email Bill Speri, wmsperi@gmail.com.  We still need more people that will take ownership roles in managing parts of the Growler.    A Big thanks to everyone on this page >> https://growlervolleyball.com/contact-us/


______________________2022 and Beyond____________________

GO TO PAST RESULTS PAGE for achieves of all past years.


 Bump. Set. Growl. | Growler Beach Volleyball Tournament

Growler Beach Volleyball Tournament 2018